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Op-Ed Articles

Capt Joseph R. John, January 21, 2025

On December 4, 2024, the Congressional Subcommittee on the Corona Pandemic chaired by Subcommittee Chairman, Cong Brad Wenstrup, Col-USAR (MC) (R-OH-2), an endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, revealed in his report to the nation, that Pfizer was forced to reveal the list of destabilizing side effects that are still injuring Americans with its dangerous COVID-19 Gene Therapy injection (The COVID-19 Experimental Test Injection still has never been approved to this date by the FDA).  Dr. Anthony Fauci and Pfizer illegally labeled the experimental test injection as a Vaccine; it has never been a Vaccine, Americans have been misled, it is a Gene Therapy Injection.    

Millions of injected Americans sustained life altering and permanent destabilizing injuries; they should be authorized to file lawsuit against Dr. Anthony Fauci and Pfizer.  The threat of those well-known side effects should have been revealed to every American prior to being required to take the injections to keep their jobs, to be allowed to continue to matriculate in schools/colleges, and to remain on Active Duty in the US Armed Forces, before being forced to take the destabilizing experimental test injections.  The result of being injected by one of those experimental gene therapy test injections was that millions of American died from the injections, and additional millions of…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, January 8, 2025

During World War II, the number of active-duty US Military personnel serving in 1945 reached a peak of over 12 million US military personnel.  The ratio of Flag Officers (Generals and Admirals) to subordinate military personnel was 1 Flag Officer for 6,000 subordinate military personnel.  Today the ratio of Flag Officers to subordinate military personnel is top heavy with 1 Flag Officers for 600 subordinate military personnel.  The following discussion explains why the number of Flag Officers and their Woke policies should be severely modified.

While Obama occupied the Oval Office for 8 years starting in 2009, and controlled the Oval Office over the last 4 years, he established a screening policy for all O-6 Officers prior to their consideration for promotion to Flag Officer.  For the first time O-6 Officers were required to respond to political-related questions to determine if they supported Obama’s woke policies.  “Military Merit” and “Merit in Combat” were no longer the primary issues that were considered for promotion to Flag and General Officer.  DEI policies were the primary consideration for promotion.  The result is that today’s Flag and General Officers are Politically Correct Managers, unlike the WWII Flag Officers who were Warrior and Combat Leaders. 

The current leadership of the US Armed…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, January 8, 2025

An endorsed and elected Combat Veteran For Congress Congressman Brad J. Wenstrup, Col-USAR (MC) (R-OH-2), who is the outgoing Chairman of the Select Congressional Committee on the Covid-19 Virus Pandemic, submitted the final report on the effects of the Covid-19 Virus Pandemic that can be read by clicking on the below listed link.  It revealed that the extremely dangerous inoculation was never medically evaluated for the required two year period to be rigorously evaluated before it should have been approved for human use. 

The inoculation was illegally mislabeled as a Vaccination by Dr. Anthony Fauci.  It was never a Vaccination, like other Vaccinations, which protects inoculated recipients from being infected by the Corona-19 Virus, it is a “Gene Therapy Injection” that never protected any individual from the Covid-19 Virus.  The dangerous Covid-19 injection killed and maimed millions of American Citizens and military personnel who were forced to be inoculated by the dangerous “Gene Therapy Injection” under the threat of losing their jobs or being discharged from the US Armed Forces; students were threatened not to be allowed to attend classes in Public Schools and colleges if they were not inoculated by the Covid-19 dangerous injection.


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By Capt Joseph R. John, December 30, 2024

After 15 ½ years, Capt Joseph R John, US Naval Academy Class of 1962, USN (Ret), Co-Founder and Chairman of the  Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, will be relieved as Chairman by LTC William B. Conrad, West Point Class of 1980, USA (Ret) at a San Diego Gala Military Event in April 2025.  LTC Conrad, was endorsed as the 154th Combat Veteran For Congress to run for the US Senate in Nevada in 2023, and served in the US Army and the US Army National Guard for 31 years as an Infantryman, Green Beret Officer, Helo Pilot, Civil Engineer, and Civil Affairs Officer.   

LTC Conrad is married to Karen, his wife of 40 years; they reside in Reno, NV.  Their three children are, Cdr (Sel) Bryan Conrad, US Coast Guard Academy Class of 2009, USCG, 1st LT Kailey Conrad Hunter, USA, West Point Class of 2022, and 2nd LT Joanna Conrad, USA, West Point Class of 2024.

LTC Conrad’s military awards include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal (3 Oak Leaf Clusters in lieu of 4th Award), Air Force Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Air Force Achievement Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, Airman’s Medal, Army Overseas Service Ribbon, Senior Army Wings, Senior Air Force Wings, Expert Infantry Badge, Senior Aviator Badge, US Army Aviator Badge, Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, Ranger Tab, Special Forces…

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We celebrate this Christmas and Hanukkah Holiday Season with our fellow Americans.  We pray for the safety of all members of the US Armed Forces, especially those deployed military personnel “Going Into Harm’s Way”, Military Veterans who previously served in the defense of the Republic, and the families of all those active and retired military personnel, who also served their country alongside their loved ones. 

Over the past 16 years, we’ve appreciated the continued and steadfast support of millions of Patriotic Americans from throughout the nation who have helped us recruit, support, and campaign for 46 endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For Congress from 23 states.  One elected Combat Veteran For Congress was appointed by President Donald J. Trump as Vice President of the United States, and 4 others were appointed by President Donald J. Trump as members of his Presidential Cabinet in the 1st and 2nd Trump Administrations.  Six endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress were elected as US Senators, 39 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress were elected as US Congressmen, one was elected as the Governor of Florida, and another was elected as the Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas, as well as the Attorney General of Arkansas; they…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 11, 2024

On November 11th, Veterans Day, and every day, Americans are appreciative of Veterans for their service as members of the US Armed Forces and served in the defense of the Republic.  On this day we “Honor” all Military Veterans, especially those personnel who gave their last full measure of devotion in the defense of the Republic and were lost in combat. 

Thousands of Veterans are still suffering from the negative effects of their service-connected health related injuries, because of their service in the defense of the Republic.  Many of those Veterans had been suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or from a disabling wound received in combat on foreign fields of fire.  Veterans who may not have been able to obtain timely or adequate medical treatment or therapy to relieve the pain from their debilitating wounds, or are suffering from PTSD, eventually may succumb from their wounds, or commit suicide.  An average of 20 Veterans commit suicide each day. 

The overwhelming majority of 20 million Veterans in the United States are good industrious citizens, who quietly go about their normal lives, support their families financially, provide the careful and loving guidance to properly raise their children, and are still ready to serve if called upon to defend the Republic.  Veterans continue to serve their country…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 10, 2024

On November 10, 2024, U.S. Marines around the globe will celebrate 249 years of success on the battlefield and reaffirm their commitment to their Corps' proud legacy of honor, courage, and commitment. This year we will share a video that discusses many interesting historic incidents in the corps—the language is typically rough.

On this special day, we pay homage to a Marine’s Marine who, 82 years ago on October 26, 1942, performed in action above and beyond the call of duty. On Nov. 15, 2003, that 85-year-old retired Marine Corps Colonel died of congestive heart failure at his home in La Quinta, California, southeast of Palm Springs. He was buried with full military honors in the Riverside National Cemetery, Riverside, California. He was a Combat Veteran of World War II.  Reason enough to honor him. But this Marine was a little different, this Marine was then Platoon Sgt Mitchell Paige, USMC. 

It's hard today to envision -- or, for the dwindling few, to remember-- what the world looked like on October 26, 1942.  The U.S. Navy was not the most powerful fighting force in the Pacific.  Not by a long shot.  So the Navy basically dumped a few thousand lonely American Marines on the beach at Guadalcanal and high-tailed…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 8, 2024

On November 5, 2024, American Citizens cast over 75+ million votes to elect President Donald J. Trump, to “Take Back Our Country”, to protect the “Freedom of Speech” for all American Citizens, and to restore the “Combat Effectiveness” of the US Armed Forces.  President Trump’s election prevented the US Constitutional Republic from being “Fundamentally transformed into a Communist State.”  It was the most successful “Presidential Comeback” in US History! 

After 2 years of effort, we were able to contribute to the re-election of President Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of the United States and helped to elect an endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, Senator J.D. Vance (USMC), as Vice President of the United States.  The election of President Trump has prevented the US Constitutional Republic from being “Fundamentally transformed into a Communist State.”  

In 2022, the goal of the Combat Veterans For Congress was to elect 19 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress to the US House of Representatives, to help take control of the US House.  

In 2024, one of the goals of the Combat Veterans For Congress was to elect 3 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress to the US Senate, to help take control of the US Senate.  Another goal in 2024, was to elect 13 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress to the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 4, 2024 

The Harris campaign cut multiple six-figure checks last month for left-leaning groups that have been vocal about DEFUNDING POLICE and FUNDING REPARATIONS; they are tied to Radical Black Anti-White activists supporting the notorious antisemite, “Louis Farrakhan”, the leader of the Nation of Islam.

Kamala Harris’ social media profiles are littered with social media posts showing her attending Nation of Islam events and “praising” Farrakhan. 

The Harris Marxist Presidential Campaign gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to a handful of Radical Black Anti-White advocacy groups who are mobilizing Black voters ahead of the November 5th election, according to required Federal Election Campaign (FEC) filings, released last week.

Latosha Brown, who has been a “frequent visitor” to the Biden-Harris White House, and for over 30 years, she has repeatedly posted that her group demands REPARATIONS, and in a 2021 she posted on “X”, that she has been working on demanding “REPARATIONS” for 27 years.  Latosha Brown previously stated, "…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 28 2024

By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to see a video that explains the Massive Voter Fraud perpetrated year after year in national elections by Socialist Democrats, identified as “The Big Steal”; it is their plan to consistently cheat and steal elections, corrupting the “Sacred Right” of American Citizens to vote unimpeded in an honest national election.

With early voting underway in 2024, there have already has been hundreds of reports of Barack Hussein Obama’s “Planned Massive Voter Fraud” underway nationally:

1) Long before election day, for nearly a year, Socialist Democrats have had the same fraudulent “ballot mills” in full operation in the 8 Battleground States that they had in 2020.  They have been registering 3.6 million Illegal Aliens voters, who had been brazenly registered to vote at border processing stations by dozens of NGO’s funded by the Biden Administration. 

2) In Wisconsin, 31,000 mail-in ballots have been sent and harvested using illegal addresses such as gas stations and warehouses.  

3) In Pennsylvania, mail-in ballots have been sent to…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 22, 2024 

Kamala Harris Is Supported By The Below Listed Organization and Individuals; Her Core Beliefs, Principles, And Policies Supports Their Goals:

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

Communist Party of Canada (CPC)

Communist Party of Cuba (PCC)

Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV)

Communist Party of Nicaragua (PNC)

Communist Party of Brazil (PVB)

Vladamir Putin, President of Russia

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Radical Islamic Terrorist State of Iran

Canadian Leftist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Mexican Drug Cartels Who Became Billionaires Over The Last Four Years With Kamal Harris’ Wide Open US Border

The Below Listed Domestic Enemies Support Kamala Harris From Within:

Communist Party of the United State of America (CPUSA)

Communist Gorge Soros

Marxist Barack Hussein Obama

Marxist Michelle Obama

Marxist Kamala Harris—a video went viral of Kamala Harris and her supporters “laughing and mocking” a Christian person at her rally who stated “Jesus is Lord”

Marxist Valerie Jarrett

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 18, 2024

As the Republic nears the most important pivotal election in US History, a sinister, illegal, and stealth revision of the DOD Directive 5240.01 of 1982 that deals with “National Security Threats” was  issued on September 27, 2024 by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, with the support of Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Charles Q. Brown, Jr., USAF.  The revision that affects the life and freedom of every American Citizen, was made without the review and pre-approval of the US Congress.  

One previous 2016 change to the DOD Directive 5240.01 of 1982, focused on intelligence collection and it “carefully ensured” the protection of the “Civil Liberties” of every American Citizen.  That change also emphasized the need for the strict oversight, and the need to specifically authorize the collection of information on any American Citizen---it never included the authorization for the Secretary of Defense to issue an order to allow the US Military to “KILL AMERICAN CITIZENS.”

The expanded definition of "National Security Threats" in the September 27, 2024 change to the DOD Directive 5240.01 of 1982, has raised the alarms and concerns of civil libertarians and advocates of the US Constitution.  Since the change authorizes the US Military to oppress the “Civil Liberties” of American Citizens in violation of…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 14, 2024 

By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to watch Greg Gutfield, host, and air the live broadcast of the follow-on Presidential Debate between President Donald J. Trump and Comrade Kamala Harris----it must be the most outstanding comedy skit produced during this 2024 Presidential Campaign Season.  This light comedy skit inserts levity into the midst of a very tense national political conflict.  Greg Gutfield outdoes himself!

We encourage you to pass on this video of the second Presidential Debate to those in your address book, and to all your fellow Patriotic Americans.



By Capt Joseph R. John, October 9, 2024

The below listed article, courtesy of the Media Research Council, outlines “A Sad And Frightening State of Affairs” by E. P. Unum, dated August 16, 2024, outlines the “deep entrenched” Radical Marxist Philosophy of Comrade Kamala Harris, Comrade Tim Walz, and their Communist “Puppet Master”, Comrade Barack Hussein Obama.  

Kamala Harris was indoctrinated and trained to support the “deep entrenched” Radical Marxist Philosophy of her Marxist Professor father, Dr. Michael Harris and her Marxist mother.  Her parents were Radical Berkley Marxist students in the 1960s, who supported Communist Fidel Castro’s takeover of Cuba, the Communist Butcher Che Guevara who killed thousands of anti-Communist Cubans, and supported Huey Newton’s Black Panther Party, funded by Communist China.  Dr. Michael Harris became a tenured Economics Professor at Stanford University and taught his students the glories of “Marxism,” and the benefits of Soviet Price Controls that takes control of a country’s economy away from “The Free Enterprise System” (Soviet Price Controls are being promoted by Comrade Harris for the US). 

During the Socialist Democrat National Convention, Kamala carefully concealed from the American people, that she was “never” raised in the United States during her formative years, as other average Pro-American girls.  Her Marxist…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 30, 2024

We are encouraging every Patriotic American to go to their local theater to see Dinesh DeSouza’s “Vindicating Trump;” it is a “Must See” film prior to the election.  By clicking on the below listed link, you will see a trailer of the film  VINDICATING TRUMP TRAILER | In Theaters Now (  In 37 days the Progressives, Socialist Democrats, Marxists, Communists, Obama, Comrade Kamala Harris, Comrade Tim Waltz, and in Communist China’s carefully laid out their plans to steal another Presidential Election. 

Obama has had his fellow Communist allies register millions of the 18 million Illegal Aliens as possible, that the “Obama Open Border Policy” allowed to invade the US through the wide-open US borders over the last four years, so they can vote for Comrade Kamala Harris in the November 5, 2024 Presidential Election.  They will also execute their four-year plan to electronically initiate Voter Fraud on election night to steal the 2024 Presidential Election from President Donald J. Trump by changing his vote totals, just as they electronically stole the 2020 Presidential Election from President Donald J. Trump. 

The Socialist Democrat Party has been misleading American Citizens over the last four years about their Progressive…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 25, 2024

California Sheriff Mike Boudreaux of Tulare County (a county located in central California), stated in a press conference, that if Kamala Harris were ever elected as president, her past, current, and future support for “Obama’s Open Border Policy” would make Illegal Alien immigration far worse than it has been for the past four years.  Sheriff Boudreaux has served as a member of the Tulare Sheriff’s Department for 38 years and had lived through Kamala Harris’ anti-Law Enforcement policy when Harris was the California Attorney General.  As the California Attorney General, Kamala Harris often spoke words that lessened her support for law enforcement by promoting the Defunding of Police Departments. 

Sheriff Mike Boudreaux’s press conference was held to expose Comrade Kamala Harris’ support for the invasion of 18 million Illegal Aliens from 180 countries into the US.  Sheriff Boudreaux said, in the last four years, Kamala Harris as the Border Czar appointed by President Biden, has been aggressively supporting the invasion of the United States by 18 million Illegal Aliens, so as bad as the Illegal Alien invasion of the US has been for the last four years, it would be far worse under a Harris Administration. 

Sheriff Boudreaux is the President of the California Sheriff’s Association, and he often meets with the other 57 California…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 18, 2024

Over the past four years the Biden-Harris Energy and Economic Policies created a 21 % inflation rate, the worst inflation in over 40 years.  The Biden-Harris energy policy created inflation that drove all retail prices to extremely high levels and weakened consumer spending.  The inflation rate increased from the 1.4% at the end of former President Donald Trump's term in office, to the current Biden-Harris inflation rate of 21%.  Millions of low-income Americans continue to have difficulty feeding their families and purchasing gas at the pump for their vehicles.  Millions of Americans have had to dramatically rein in their consumer, restaurant dining, and recreational spending. 

The reduction in consumer spending has resulted in a massive loss of retail sales, requiring thousands of retail outlets to file for bankruptcy.  The four-year Biden-Harris Energy and Economic Policies has been wreaking havoc on the US Economy, resulting in the highest cost of energy in US history.  All products delivered to retail outlets for sale are delivered by trucks.  The increasing cost of gas at the pump has increased the cost of delivery for all retail items, construction material, and food items.  Some of those costs have increased far more than the current 21 %+ inflation rate; for instance, food prices have increased by 28%. 

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 13, 2024

Taking a page out of Marxist Obama’s playbook, on September 10, 2024, Comrade Kamala Harris told 25 “LIES” during the Tuesday debate about her Marxist policies and LIED repeatedly about President Donald J. Trump’s documented and historic record as the President of the United States.  

With the help of the two Left-Wing Progressive ABC Commentators, David Muir and Linsey Davis (Kamala’s Sorority Sister, who in 2020 previously praised Kamala on national television as the new Vice President ), both ABC News Commentators were masquerading as ABC Debate Moderators; they kept “fact checking” President Trump throughout the debate, but ignored Comrade Harris’ repeated and obvious LIES. 

Working as a team, David Muir and Linsey Davis, propped up Harris and repeatedly tried to vanquish President Trump by talking over him, cutting him off, and asking bizarre questions they did not ask Harris.  At one point, Linsey Davis jumped in for Harris and offered a rebuttal to one of President Trump's comments on abortion, a move beyond the scope of any unbiased moderator.  They didn’t ask questions about the worst inflation in 40 years and the extremely poor economy.  Lindsey Davis was just quoted in an LA Times article, bragging about ABC’s behind-the-scenes advance plans to ensure Trump was not able to end Harris’ campaign in…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 11, 2024

If you are an American who own property, owns a home or condo, have an investment in the stock market, have invested your capital in an Investment Trust, have invested your funds in a employment sponsored 401(k), or have invested capital in a Defined Benefit Plan, we encourage you to read the below listed Wall Street Journal Opinion Piece by Hal Scott and John Gulliver of September 10, 2024, entitled “You Would Pay Harris’ Wealth Tax”. 

Comrade Harris’ radical annual 25% Wealth Tax on UNREALIZED Capital Gains would crush the US Stock Market, force Americans to sell their homes to pay the Annual Federal Income Tax on the annual UNREALIZED Capital Gain on their homes, will grind initial public offerings to a halt, and would force American workers to pay an annual Federal Income Tax from funds in their company 401(k) to cover the cost of the UNREALIZED Capital Gain Tax. The net result is that the Wealth Tax would destroy the US Free Enterprise System.

If elected, Comrade Kamala Harris fully intends to double down and impose her father’s Marxist Economic Policies on the US economy.  She will impose the Soviet Style Price Controls on all US businesses, while at the same time she will impose the Marxist destructive “Annual” 25% Wealth Tax on UNREALIZED Capital Gains prior to the sale of any investment being taxed year after year.  Another…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 9, 2024

On September 4, 2024, the latest asserted “Russian Collusion Hoax” was distributed by the leftist media establishment, following the highly publicized press conference promoted by the Harris/Walz Presidential Campaign, the Biden administration, Barack Obama, and Obama’s Marxist allies.  The press conference was hosted by the US Justice Department and chaired by the US Attorney General Merrick B. Garland and FBI Director Christopher A. Wray.  Both Garland and Wray promoted misleading facts, that once again, American Spy Agencies assessed that the Kremlin favors former President Donald J. Trump over Kamala Harris in the November 2024 Presidential Election.

The intentionally misleading assertion promoted by Garland and Wray in the September 4th Press Conference took a major hit on September 5th when multiple press reports were released by CNN, Sky News, Fox News, and other international media outlets.  All the press releases stated that Russian Federation President Vladamir Putin endorsed Kamala Harris for US President.  The worldwide press releases exposed the fact that the DOJ and the FBI were intentionally misinforming Americans, and were promoting another “Russian Collusion Hoax”, trying to interfere, once again, in a third US Presidential Election in a row.

Below this Op Ed, we have listed the press releases by CNN, Sky News, and Fox…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 6, 2024 

Amid the political buzz, a Walz family rift captures the national spotlight: it is highlighted by the attached photo of the Waltz family members in Nebraska.

Jeff Walz, once estranged brother of Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz, has publicly denounced the latter's candidacy, questioning his character and integrity, Daily Mail reported, and his over 30 year close relationship with Communist China.

67-year-old Jeff Walz, residing in Freeport, Florida, has taken to Facebook to express his disapproval of his brother Tim Walz's Marxist political views.

Marxist Tim Waltz is currently the Socialist Democratic Vice-Presidential hopeful alongside Marxist Kamala Harris Socialist Democrat Presidential nomination.  Tim Walz has been facing familial opposition that contrasts sharply with his public persona.

Jeff's posts reveal a deep-seated disagreement with Tim's Marxist ideology, emphasizing a breakdown in personal and political values that led to their estrangement eight years ago.  The rift in their relationship underscores a broader narrative of discord,…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 4, 2024

Over the last four years, Kamala Harris’ failure as Border Czar, her inability to make cogent public statements, her inability to discuss any of the administration’s policies, her “refusal” to hold a press conference following her nomination as US President for over 45 days, her hysterical laughing, her belief in her mother’s and her father’s Marxism, and the lack of respect Allied Heads of State have for Kamala, are some of the many reasons why Comrade Kamala Harris would be unable to effectively perform the duties of a US President, or of a Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces.  She was an utter failure in the Office of Vice President.

Thousands of uninformed and misled American Citizens, have been suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.  They are willing to turn control of the 248-year-old US Constitutional Republic to the hands of Marxist Kamala Harris and Marxist Tim Walz, who are being controlled by their Puppet Master, Marxist Barack Obama.  For the first time in US History, Comrade Obama engineered the endorsement of two Marxists for President and Vice President of the US, as explained below.  He did so “without” seeking the vote of the American people.  They are the first two Hard Core Marxist candidates to ever be nominated by the Democrat Party to run for President and Vice President.  Uninformed American Citizens are being…

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August 31, 2024

My Fellow Americans,

Over the past 15 years, we have helped to elect 42 Combat Veterans For Congress from 24 states (4 US Senators and 38 Congressmen listed on the Alumni and Endorsement pages of our Website).  The attached list includes 22 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 15 states, running for election to the Senate and the House.  Only once a year do we seek financial support for the campaigns of the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress. 

The Republic has a critical National Security crisis!  Communist China’s Xi Jinping, Russia’s Putin, and Iran’s Mullah Ali Khamenei were emboldened by Biden’s inept responses during the Presidential Debate of June 27th; they, and millions of Americans had no doubt that Biden was suffering from a dementia neuro generative disease.  They realize that the United States does not have a stable cognitive leader who is able to perform the duties of the Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces.  

Over the past 4 years, Obama’s “Open Border Policy” has allowed over 18 million Illegal Aliens from 180 countries to invade the US, at the rate of 350,000/month.  An additional 40,000 Illegal Aliens/month are being flown directly into 42 US cities, directly from Central America and Europe on Obama’s orders.  Chinese Communist Illegal Aliens and their Terrorist allies are…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 27, 2024 

American public has been inundated with countless misleading statements from smooth talking Barrack Hussein Obama about his fellow Marxist, Kamala Harris’ intelligence and capabilities as the first Marxist Presidential candidate nominated by the Democrat Party.  However, over the last four years, Harris’ inactions as the Border Czar, her inability to make cogent public comments to answer any questions on policy, her hysterical laughing, and her inability to even get one vote when she tried to win the Democratic Presidential Primary, indicate that Kamala Harris is incapable of performing the duties of Commander-in-Chief, to put it mildly.

For the first time in US History, a candidate for US President has been refusing for 37 days to hold a press conference with the national press corps or answer any questions about her policies on the economy, on the defense of Taiwan, Ukraine, the Illegal Alien invasion, the Middle East conflicts, Communist China, etc., since she replaced Biden as the Socialist Democrats standard bearer. 

Comrade Kamala Harris’ Marxist handlers are preventing her from answering any questions, hiding her from the press, just like they hid Biden in his basement before the 2020 election, they are aware that she is unable to answer basic questions about the Biden administration’s policies.  Comrade Kamala’s handlers are in…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 23, 2024

To fully understand the background of Tim Walz, and the reason the subject letter was sent to him by members of the Senate and Congress, the American people must be informed that Tim Walz is fascinated with and supports Communist China.  Walz made 30 trips to Communist China in the last 31 years.  He speaks Chinese, lived and taught High School in Communist Chinese Schools, and encouraged his young students in Minnesota to approve of Communist China’s philosophy. 

Walz often brought his young Minnesota High School students with him on his annual trips to China, indoctrinating them in the Communist Chinese philosophy; the student‘s trips were paid for by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  Marxist Extremist Tim Walz celebrated his marriage by going on his honeymoon to Communist China on the Anniversary of Communist China’s brutal repression in Tiananmen Square of Chinese students who were demonstrating for Freedom of expression. 

Walz is now campaigning with Kamala Harris, the daughter of Marxist Professor Donald Harris, to get elected as the first Communist President and Vice President of the United States.  If elected, over the next four years they will work to fundamentally change the US Constitutional Republic into Obama’s vision of what the United States should be changed to, a Marxist State.  Members of Congress are…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 19, 2024 

For the last four years, at the core of the pronouncements made by representatives for every US Government Agency, statements made by Cabinet Members of the Biden Administration, and the readings by Biden in front of teleprompters, were pronouncements of the daily talking points scripted by Obama’s American Marxist Politburo.  Former members of the Obama Administration had been appointed in the Biden administration to shape the policies of the Biden Administration.

Over the last four years, thousands of American Citizens have voiced their opinions that the United States has ceased to be a nation in which they believe American Citizens have a voice.  For four years American Citizens and media representatives also expressed concerns about who is “actually” in control of the United States, for years they had observed Biden displaying obvious signs of dementia with his many unintelligible statements, his noticeable unsteadiness, and his often falls.  Over the last four years, Americans have noticed the weaponization of the US Justice System into a two-tier legal system that charged President Trump in four misdemeanor cases, prosecuting them as felony cases.  At the same time, Biden had more severe violations of handling classified documents, going back to when he was a Senator, and the US Justice Department gave him a pass on prosecution.

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 12, 2024

For four years, the Socialist Democrats and their Marxist allies have been planning to rig and steal the 2024 election electronically.  They have been working for 9 years to convince the United States electorate that it would be moral, desirable, and righteous to cheat President Donald J. Trump from being re-elected.  They have been mislabeling President Donald J. Trump a traitor who colluded with America's mortal enemies, that President Trump is also a "racist," "white supremacist," "Islamophobe," "Fascist," "Nazi," and an admirer of Adolf Hitler. 

The same opponents of President Donald J. Trump within the United States, continue to defame President Donald J. Trump, and they also defame the hundreds of millions of his American Citizens who support President Trump.  Donald Trump’s supporters include Republicans, Conservatives, Blue Dog Democrats, Christians, Catholics, Jewish supporters of Israel, Blacks, Hispanics, Patriotic Americans, Veterans, Law Enforcement Officers, Active-Duty Military Personnel, union members, and other regular, decent, law-abiding, traditional-value American Citizens. 

The nation has an accurate and indisputable count of 74 million American Citizens who voted for President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election; he also gained the support of the families of those 74 million voters,…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 7, 2024

American Citizens should consider one major overriding factor when it comes to casting their vote in the November 2024 election. 

It is not the fact that 1.2 million American Citizens lost their jobs in this quarter, and that 1.3 million Illegal Aliens gained employment.

It is not the worst 21.1% Biden/Harris runaway inflation in over 40 years, which has forced 558,000 Americans Citizens to work in part-time jobs, while credit card debt exceeds over one trillion dollars for the first time in history, while millions of American Citizens are having difficulty feeding their families.

It is not the fact that unemployment has jumped to 4.3%, the highest level in three years, driving the economy into a Biden/Harris recession.

The House Judiciary Committee stated that the Biden/Harris administration and the Social Democrats released 99 terrorists listed on the FBI Terrorist Watch List into the general population of the United States (Consider what 19 terrorists did to the US on 9/11). 

It is not only that Kamala Harris stated, “more safety with more cops is wrong” and strongly approved and led the dangerous, “Defund the Police” movement.

It is not the fact that American Citizens can’t name One Thing Kamala Harris…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 24, 2024

The US Constitutional Republic is in the throes of a full-scale Communist Revolution.  The Biden Socialist Democrat Administration openly promises to transform America, rewrite the US Constitution, eliminate provisions of the Second Amendment, pack the Supreme Court, and has allowed 16 million Illegal Aliens from 180 countries to flood into the US across the northern and southern borders, by providing the UN with $70 Billion from its four Annual Budgets to fund the invasion of  the United States.

By clicking on the below link, you will be able to listen to and be informed about Kamala Harris’ “Communist” family background, and understand just how truly dangerous the Socialist Democrat Party and Obama really are; they gave Americans Kamala Harris.  You will also realize that the US Constitutional Republic is in the crosshairs of Communist China, and that Barrack Obama will ensure that Kamala Harris will do Communist China’s bidding if he can get her elected as President in 2024.  “If Kamala acts like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck-------she must be a duck”!  The below listed link provides you with a detailed background on Kamala Harris’ Communist background.

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 19, 2024

President Donald J. Trump made it possible for tens of millions of American Citizens to be introduced to ten of the below listed Endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 7 States.  They were invited to make their Patriotic and Pro-American addresses to the American Citizens during the Republican Convention in Milwaukee, WI from July 15 through 17, 2024.  Americans were able to see the decency, humility, and humanity of the Endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress.  One of the below listed Combat Veterans For Congress, Senator JD Vance, was selected by President Donald J. Trump to be his Vice-Presidential running mate.  They were all grateful that God spared the life of President Donald J. Trump from the bullets fired by the Antifa assassin who tried to kill the President.

Combat Veterans For Congress---Embedded Integrity

Senator James D. Vance, Cpl-USMC (R-OH-Senate) 147th Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress 

Senator Thomas B. Cotton, Cpt-USA (R-AR-Senate 51st Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress

FL Gov Ron DeSantis, Lcdr-USNR (JAGC) (R-FL-6)

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