An Evening with Sarah Huckabee Sanders & Friends
For more information and tickets to the above event on February 28, 2020, please click on the link below:
For a direct link to purchase tickets, kindly visit:
Combat Veterans For Congress Attends 73rd Anniversary Remembrance Battle of Iwo Jima at Camp Pendleton, CA, February 17, 2018
“Iwo Jima: The Lasting Legacy 1945-2018”
Sunset Memorial Service Laying of Wreath GySgt Damaso Sutis, USMC, 3rd Marine Division, Veteran Battle of Iwo Jima, 21 Gun Salute. Taps
1st Marine Division Band Ensemble Concert, Color Ceremony, National Anthem, Remarks Maj Gen Vincent Coglianese, USMC, Deputy Commandant, I&L
Cake Cutting Ceremony, Empty Chair Tribute MGySgt Len Maffioli, USMC, 4th Marine Division, Veteran Battle of Iwo Jima
Iwo Jima Flag Raising Tableau Historical Company, Marine Corps Hymn, Closing Remarks, Commemorative Banquet, Dinner Music

The Surviving 3rd, 4th. and 5th Marine Division Veterans of the Battle of Iwo Jima, February 17, 2018
The Battle of Iwo Jima:
The Combat Veterans For Congress September 24, 2016 Gala Event With Dr. Ben Carson as Keynote Speaker
By clicking on the below listed link you will be able to view a video of many photos of Dr Ben Carson and the participants in the Gala Event. Those of note in attendance included Dr. Ben Carson, Cong Barry Goldwater, Jr. (Ret), Cong Duncan L. Hunter, Cpt/USA (Ranger/Vietnam) (Ret), Cong Steve Russell, LTC/USA (Ret) (Ranger) (R-OK-5), Cong Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI-11) (Ret), Connie Stevens, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, USA/MP (DEA), Sheriff Richard Stobbs, Esq, USA, Chief Lou Scanlon, Coronado PD. Cdr/USN, Superior Court Judge Gary Kreep, Master of Ceremonies Larry Elder, Col Robert Modrzejewski, USMC (Ret) (Medal Of Honor),VADM Edward S. Briggs, USNA ’49, VADM Robert J. Spane, USNA ’62, Sal Russo, Jack Scalia, Joely Fisher, Elya Baskin, Jeff Senour, Dodgers Baseball Great Ron Fairly, Patricia Smith (mother of Agent Sean Smith killed in Benghazi), Pearl Harbor Veteran EMC Stu Hedley, USN (Ret), 15 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, 10 Wounded Warriors from the Wounded Warrior Battalion at Camp Pendleton, Navy SEALs, FBI Agents, CIA Officers, US Border Patrol Agents, Police Officers, active and retired military personnel, The In Case Trio, and 400 invited guests who attended the VIP and General Receptions. The events was covered by 48 major media and national press organizations.

On October 9th, 2010 there will be a “Patriotic Celebration” at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina on Harbor Island at 7:00 PM for the general public to meet many of the 27 Combat Veterans For Congress from 19 states. There will be live music, entertainment, heavy hors d'oeuvres, Hollywood film celebrities, and some very special surprise guests on board. Ambulatory Combat Veterans from Balboa Naval Hospital recuperating from their combat wounds, as well as recently returned Combat Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan who were invited to attend as honored guests. Governor Sarah Palin was also a guest of honor and gave a rousing keynote speech that was well received. U. S. Senate Candidate Joe Miller (R-AK), a West Point graduate who was awarded the Bronze Star Medal in Operation Desert Storm, followed Governor Palin, and gave a major address; he was one of the 27 Combat Veterans For Congress from 19 states endorsed by the PAC who won their primary elections; 18 other endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress attended and briefly addressed the 500 attendees. Please click on the \"PAC Endorsements\" page to see who has endorsed the Combat Veterans For Congress. To receive an invitation via US Mail, or to sponsor an enlisted Combat Veteran to attend the function, E-mail your full name, title, mailing address, and a contact phone number to . A donation to attend the event for Combat Veterans For Congress is $300/person.
Campaign contribution laws prevent Combat Veterans For Congress PAC from accepting corporate checks. However, we can accept corporate donations to our tax-exempt non-profit CVFC 501(c)(4) to help us cover the cost of transporting Combat Veterans For Congress endorsed candidates to and from the event from around the country.
Combat Veterans For Congress held its first fundraising event on February 26th and will hold one more fundraising event on September 18th. The first fundraising event was held in a beautiful Malibu estate overlooking the Pacific Ocean. All proceeds for the three events will be used to support the campaigns for the Combat Veterans For Congress. We have arranged very heavy security for each of the three events with active and retired plain clothes police detectives, sheriff’s deputies, and other law enforcement officers. The Tea Party Express national organization has made an offer of support, John Phillip Sousa, IV, who is a well known artist, made an offer to donate an American Flag painting to raffle off, and Kazanjian Bros, Inc. donated their fine jewelry creations for a silent auction for the February 26th event. The Honorary Host Committee for the first event consisted of Connie Stevens (Chair), Hon Barry Goldwater (Congressman Ret), Hon Thomas White (18th Sec. Army & BGEN-Ret), ADM Leighton W. Smith (USN-Ret), VADM Edward Martin (USN-Ret & Vietnam POW), VADM Robert J. Spane (USN-Ret), VADM Harold M. Koenig (USN MC-Ret), RADM Thomas A. Mercer (USN-Ret), RADM George F. Wagner (USN-Ret), RADM Dave Janes (USNR-Ret), BGEN Bert K. Mizusawa (USAR), Col. Buzz Aldrin, (USAF-Ret & PH.D) (Apollo XI Astronaut), Capt. J Michael McGrath (USN-Ret & Vietnam POW), Cdr. Paul E. Galanti (USN-Ret & Vietnam POW), Lt. Col. Orson Swindle (USMC-Ret & Vietnam POW), Chief Lou Scanlon (Cdr USNR-Ret), Coronado Police Chief, Michael J. Kazanjian (USN) (Kazanjian Bros., Inc.), Reverge Anselmo (USMC) 7 Hills Cattle Co., Christopher Crowe (Writer/Producer/Director), David Ayers (USN-Nuke Subs) (Writer/Producer/Director), Tommy Cook (USMC)(Producer), John Philip Sousa, IV, Chad Everett, Wink Martindale, Alex Trebek, Dick Van Patten, Robert Conrad, Grant Show, Jack Scalia, and Tony Lo Bianco.
We seek your support for fiscally conservative Combat Veterans For Congress who we endorse to replace the Congressmembers in office who continue to demonstrate their out of control and wasteful spending habits. If you are able to make a donation or to attend one of the fundraising events it would be greatly appreciated. Donations should be mailed to: