About Us
Combat Veterans For Congress PAC Mission Statement
The Combat Veterans For Congress Political Action Committee is dedicated to supporting the election of fiscally conservative Combat Veterans For Congress. We seek Combat Veterans For Congress who believe in limited government, will rein in the out of control spending of Congress, are committed to preserving and defending the US Constitution, and will support the independence and freedom of the individual as outlined in the Bill of Rights. We support Combat Veterans For Congress who are dedicated to promoting The Free Enterprise System that created the greatest economic engine in the history of mankind, who will provide for a strong national defense, and who will endorse the teaching of US history and the Founding Fathers’ core values in educational institutions.
Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity
The above listed Mission Statement outlines the principals upon which the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC was co-founded 145years ago in August 2009 by Congressman Barry M. Goldwater (R-AZ) (Ret) and Capt Joseph R. John, USNA ’62, USN (Ret)/Former FBI. Its purpose is to endorse fiscally conservative Combat Veterans For Congress who would work to rein in the out of control spending by irresponsible members of Congress, will protect the freedoms provided to American citizens in the US Bill of Rights and the US Constitution, and Combat Veterans who previously demonstrated their willingness to “Go Into Harm’s Way” to protect and defend the US Constitution, and to protect the lives of their teammates engaged in combat with them.
In the 2010 mid-term election, 163 Combat Veterans were evaluateded, 46 Combat Veterans For Congress from 35 states were endorsed to run for Congress. During the 2010 primary season, 27 of the 46 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress in 19 states won their primary races, and 12 of the 27 Combat Veterans For Congress who won their primary races were subsequently elected to Congress (2 US Senators and 10 US Congressmen from 10 states).
In 2012 primary season, 93 Combat Veterans from 43 states were evluated, 51 Combat Veterans For Congress from 25 states were endorsed, the 2 endorsed US Senators were not up for re-election. Of the remaining 49 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, 37 won their primary races or were endorsed by their party, and 17 of the 37 Combat Veterans For Congress were elected to the House of Representatives.
In the 2014 mid-term election, 81 Combat Veterans from 41 stares were evaluated, 24 new Combat Veterans For Congress from 16 states were endorsed to run in their primaries, and 21 elected Combat Veterans For Congress from 16 states were re-endorsed totaling 45 endorsements in 2014; the 2 US Senators were not up for re-election. Of the remaining 43 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, 31 won their primary elections. In the 2014 General Election, one new Senator was elected from Arkansas, increasing to 3, the number of Combat Veterans For Congress serving in the US Senate, 3 new Congressmen were elected, 14 Congressmen were re-elected, resulting in 20 Combat Veterans For Congress from 15 states elected to 114th Congress.
For the 2016 general election, 87 newly contacted Combat Veterans from 30 states were evaluated; a new slate of 17 Combat Veterans For Congress from 11 states were endorsed to run in 2016 bring the number of endorsements to 112 (8 won their primary elections), 18 elected Combat Veterans For Congress from 13 states were re-endorsed, and one US Senator was not standing for re-election. A total of 38 Combat Veterans For Congress had been endorsed from 24 states in 2016. In November 2016, 20 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 16 states were elected (one Senator was re-endorsed but did not have to run for re-election), and 17 endorsed Combat Veterans for Congress from 12 states were either not elected or retired; they were transferred to the Alumni page. The Alumni page includes 1 former US Senator, 10 former US Congressmen, and 80 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress who were not elected to Congress.
For the 2018 Congressional election, 55 Combat Veterans from 23 states were evaluated:12 Combat Veterans For Congress from 9 states were endorsed to run in 2018 and 6 of them won their primary races. Elected Combat Veteran For Congress Cong Ron DeSantis was elected as Governor of Florida. Elected Combat Veteran For Congress Cong Ryan Zinke was appointed as the Secretary of the Interior by President Trump, and another elected Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong James Bridenstine was appointed as the new NASA Administrator by President Trump. Elected Combat Veteran For Congress Cong Steve Pearce ran for Governor of New Mexico but lost his race for Governor. Elected Combat Veteran For Congress, Senator John McCain passed away in August 2018. The total number of endorsements in 2018 was 32 Combat Veterans For Congress from 19 states, which included 20 elected Combat Veterans For Congress from 15 states; Senator Tom Cotton was not up for election in 2018. Three newly endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress were elected to Congress, bringing the number of elected Combat Veterans For Congress to 36 (3 US Senator and 33 US Congressmen).
For the 2020 Congressional election: 16 elected and endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 13 states were re-endorsed to run for Congress in 2020, one retired. A 17th endorsed and elected Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Duncan D. Hunter resigned his seat. In addition, 75 Combat Veterans from 25 states were evaluated for possible endorsement, from that group 16 Combat Veteran For Congress from 11 states were newly endorsed to run for Congress in 2020. Ten of them won their primary elections. Lcdr Michael J. Garcia, USNA’98, USN (R-CA-25), was elected in a Special Congressional Election, and Cong Darrell Issa, Cpt-USAR (EOD) (R-CA-50) and RADM Ronny L. Jackson, USN (Ret) (MC) (R-TX-13) were also elected to Congress.
In July of 2021, in a special Congressional election, to fill the seat of a Congressman who passed away in the 6th Congressional District of Texas, Cdr Jake Ellzey, USNA ’92, USN (Ret) was the 40th endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress to elected in 12 years. Cong Adam Kinzinger (R-IL-16) was removed as an endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress for voting for the Impeachment of President Trump. In addition, 45 Combat Veterans from 23 states were interviewed for possible endorsement; 12 of them were newly endorsed.
In 2022, there were 17 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress serving in Congress from 16 states; they had been elected to Congress in 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2021. During 2021 and 2022, 81 Combat Veterans from 28 states were evaluated for possible endorsements; 16 of the Combat Veterans from 13 states were newly endorsed as Combat Veterans For Congress, 9 of the 16 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 9 states won their primary elections.
In 2022, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was re-elected. Senator Thomas Cotton (R-AR-Senate) did not have to run for re-election in 2022. Senator James D. Vance (R-OH- Senate) was elected. Cong Lee M. Zeldin (R-NY-1) who ran for Governor of New York, lost a close election, but by running a very effective statewide campaign, he was given credit for electing four New York Republican candidates, who defeated four Socialist Democrat Congressmen in blue districts for the first time. In addition in 2022, 16 previously endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For Congress were re-elected PA. OH, MS, FL, NE, WI, IN, TX, TN, MI, CA, and MT in 2022.
First Sgt Jarred Collins, USA (Ret) (Green Beret) (WW) was endorsed, to run for Congress in the 15th Congressional District of Florida. During his campaign for Congress, Governor Ron DeSantis encouraged First Sgt Collins to switch his campaign, to run instead for the election to Florida’s State Senate, representing Florida Senate District 14. First Sgt Collins was subsequently elected as a Florida State Senator with the help of Gov DeSantis.
There were very serious concern by the campaigns of 3 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress about the validity of the result of the 2022 election that allegedly resulted in their defeats, their campaigns believe it was because of Voter Fraud in BGen Don Bolduc, USA (Ret) NH Senate race , in Cong Lee Zeldin, LTC-USAR (JAG) NY Governor’s race, and in Maj Samuel Peters, USAF (Ret) NV 4th Congressional District race.
Photos and bios of 127 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress are listed on the Alumni page, which includes 22 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress who were previously elected to Congress then retired, the 87 of the 105 other endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress who were not elected to Congress., did win their primary elections.
In 2023, there were 17 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress in 13 states serving in Congress. One of the endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For Congress, *Cong James E. Banks, Lt-USNR (R-IN-3) was endorsed to run for the US Senate in IN in 2024. In 2023, 20 Combat Veterans from 12 states were evaluated for possible endorsement. *CW3 Joseph C. Kent, USA/CIA (Ret)(Green Beret)(Ranger) was endorsed as the 18th Combat Veteran For Congress to run for Congress in the 3rd Congressional District of Washington State. Col Gerry W. Leonard, Jr., USMC (Ret) was endorsed as the 19th Combat Veteran For Congress to run for Congress in the 1st Congressional District of Rhode Island. *Col Joshua M McConkey, USAFR (MC) was endorsed as the 20th Combat Veteran For Congress to run in the 13th Congressional District of North Carolina. SFC Frank J. LaRose, OH-ARNG (Green Beret) was endorsed as the 21st Combat Veteran For Congress to run for the US Senate in Ohio; he lost his primary Election.
In 2024, 23 Combat Veterans from 17 states were contacted, 9 Combat Veterans from 9 states were endorsed and 6 won their primary elections. *CW2 Thomas M. Barrett, MI-USANG (Ret) was endorsed as the 21st Combat Veterans For Congress to run for the 7th Congressional District of Michigan, *CPT David H. McCormick, USMA ’87, USA, PhD was endorsed as the 22nd Combat Veteran For Congress to run for the Senate in Pennsylvania, and LTC William B Conrad, USMA ’80, USA (Ret) (Green Beret) was endorsed as the 23rd Combat Veteran For Congress to run for the Senate in Nevada. *Maj Philip J. Singleton, USA (R-GA-3) was endorsed as the 24th Combat Veteran For Congress to run for Congress in GA.
Four Senate candidates are elected or seeking election in 2024: Sen Tom Cotton (R-AR), Cong James Banks (R-IN), Cpt Dave McCormick (R-PA), and Sen James Vance (R-OH). Three endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress lost their primary election in 2024; SFC Frank LaRose, OH-ARNG (Green Beret) Col Gerry W Leonard , Jr. USMC (Ret), and LTC William B Conrad, USMA ’80, USA (Ret) (Green Beret). There are 22 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 15 states running for election in 2024.
A number of elected Combat Veterans For Congress, who retired from Congress, were appointed to the US President’s Cabinet as the Secretary of the Interior, were appointed to head Government Agencies like the National Space Agency, were elected in State Offices as Governor, Lt Governor, State Attorney General, State Treasurer, State Senators, State Representatives, Selectmen, etc. Other endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress subsequently accepted corporate management positions, and/or were appointed to various US Corporate Boards of Directors.
All endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress must endorse the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement, as a first step, in order to be considered for endorsement. Conservatives, Independents, Libertarian, and Republicans have been endorsed in 7 national Congressional elections. Democratic candidates have been reluctant to provide us with their views on major issues such as reining in the out of control spending; the 147 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress have provide us their views on major issues in the past, and/or Democrats have been reluctant to endorse the Mission Statement of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC. In the future, we will continue to recruit, investigate the backgrounds, endorse, and campaign for a new slate of Combat Veterans For Congress who run for Congress in 2024 and beyond.
19 Combat Veterans For Congress in 11 States—--Embedded Integrity
FL Gov Ron DeSantis, Lcdr-USNR (JAGC) (R-FL-6) https://rondesantis.com/
Vice President James D. Vance, Cpl-USMC (R-OH-Senate) https://jdvance.com
Senator Thomas B. Cotton, Cpt-USA (R-AR-Senate) http://www.tomcotton.com/
Senator James E. Banks, Lt-USNR (R-IN-Senate) http://www.BanksForSenate.com
Senator David H. McCormick, USMA ’87, PhD (R-PA-Senate)
Cong Darrell E. Issa, Cpt-USAR (EOD) (R-CA-48) https://www.darrellissa.com/
Cong Scott G. Perry, BGen (Ret)/PA-ARNG (R-PA-10) http://www.patriotsforperry.com
Cong Ryan Zinke, Cdr-USN (Ret) (SEAL)(R-MT-2) https://www.ryanzinke.com/
Cong Trent Kelly, BGen-MSARNG (R-MS-1) http://www.kellyformississippi.com
Cong Brian J. Mast, SSgt-USA (Ret) (Ranger) (EOD) (WW) (R-FL-18) http://mastforcongress.com/
Cong Donald J. Bacon, BGen-USAF (Ret) (R-NE-2) http://www.donbacon2016.com
Cong Michael G. Waltz, Col-USAR (Green Beret) (R-FL-6) https://michaelwaltz.com/
Cong Mark E. Green, USMA ’86, Maj-USA (MC)(R-TN-7) http://www.markgreen4tn.com
Cong Jack W. Bergman, Lt Gen-USMCR (R-MI-1) https://bergmanforcongress.com/
Cong Michael J. Garcia, USNA’98, Lcdr/USN (R-CA-27) https://www.electmikegarcia.com/
Cong Ronny L. Jackson, RAdm-USN (Ret) (MC) (R-TX-13) https://ronnyjacksonfortexas13.com/
Cong Jake Ellzey, USNA ’92, Cdr/USN (Ret) (R-TX-6) https://www.ellzeyfortexas.com/
Cong Thomas M. Barrett, MI-ARNG (Ret) (R-MI-7) https://tombarrettforcongress.com
State Senator Jarred “Jay” Collins, 1 st Sgt-USA (Ret) (Green Beret) (WW) (FL Sen Dist 14)
Four major fundraising events have been held to introduce the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress to the national press corps. The first event was held in Malibu in February 2010 with Col Buzz Aldrin, USMA'51, USAF (Ret) PhD, (Apollo XI Astronaut) as the highlighted Guest of Honor with Connie Stevens, John Ratzenberger, Dick Van Patten, Deanna Lund, Tony Lo Bianca, Eliya Baskin, Grant Show, CIA Officer Gary Berntsen (USAF) (Ret), and endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress. In October 2010 the second event was held at the Sheraton Harbor Island Hotel in San Diego and the Keynote Speaker was Alaska Governor Sarah Palin with presentations by Alaskan Senate candidate US Federal Judge Joe Miller, Cong Barry M. Goldwater, Jr., Norm Crosby, CIA Officer Gary Berntsen (USAF) (Ret), endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, and actor Chad Everett (USN) was the Master of Ceremonies.
In September 2014 the third event was held in the Atlas Hotel in Mission Valley, San Diego; the Keynote Speaker was Dinesh D’Souza with presentations by Texas Governor Rick Perry (USAF), Pat Boone, Connie Stevens, Cong Barry Goldwater, Jr., and KABC National Radio-Talk Show Host Larry Elder, endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, CIA Officer Gary Berntsen (USAF) (Ret), and One America TV Network Anchor Rick Amato was the Master of Ceremonies.
In 2016, the fourth event was held at the San Diego Marriott Mission Valley: the Keynote Speaker was Dr. Ben Carson, with presentations by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Cong Duncan L. Hunter (Ret) (Vietnam Combat Ranger), Cong Steve Russell LTC/USA (Ret)(R-OK-5), Col Robert Modrzejewski, USMC (Ret) (MOH), Connie Stevens, Cong Barry M. Goldwater, Jr., CIA Officer Gary Berntsen (USAF) (Ret), endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, and national Radio Talk Show Host Larry Elder was the Master of Ceremonies.
A fifth Patriotic Gala Event is scheduled to be held on February 28, 2020 at Laurel Manor in Livonia, Michigan with Sarah Huckabee Sanders as the keynote speaker also featuring Charlie Kirk, with Master of Ceremonies, TV Talk Show Host, Rick Amato had to be cancelled. A sixth Patriotic Gala Event scheduled for September 2020 in San Diego with Vice President Mike Pence as the keynote speaker and with Master of Ceremony, One America National TV News Network Host, Graham Ledger, had to also be cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic precluded large fund rising events in CA.
The Endorsee of PAC page of the Web site lists over 800+ famous Americans, celebrities, business & industry leaders, military personnel, Veterans, show business personalities, press & media personnel, Radio and TV personalities, Political Organizations, Members of previous Administrations, US Senators, US Congressmen, Law Enforcement Officers, Flag & General Officers, elected state and local officials, doctors, lawyers, West Point Alumni, Naval Academy Alumni, Air Force Academy Alumni, Merchant Marine Academy Alumni, PACs, Foundations, Vietnam POWs, Medal of Honor recipients, Tea Party Organizations, etc. who have endorsed the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC and its Mission Statement.
The Board of Directors, listed below, bios and photos are posted on the Leadership Page of the Web site. Among the members of the Board of Directors are Actress/Singer Connie Stevens, three Congressmen, an Rear Admiral, a Major General, three Navy Captains (one is a Navy SEAL, another is Former FBI), the Past National Commander of the America Legion, a distinguished Green Beret Officer, a CIA Senior Operations Officer, a Senior Navy Electronic Technician Chief, a world-famous businessmen, and other well-respected Americans Patriots. The Treasurer is a well-known attorney who is the recipient of the Buckley Leadership Award.
Combat Veterans For Congress PAC Board of Directors:
Congressman Barry M. Goldwater, Jr. (Ret), The Goldwater Talpin Group, Phoenix, AZ
Congressman Robert R. Simmons (Ret) (Col-USAR/CIA/Ret), Stonington, CT
Congressman Paul C. Broun (Ret) (Cdr-USNR/MC)(Ret) (Physician), Athens, GA
Congressman Kerry Bentivolio, SFC/MI-ANG (Ret), Milford, MI
Rear Admiral Edward S. McGinley, USNA ’61, USN (Ret), Blue Ridge Summit, PA
MajGen Carroll D. Childers, USA (Ranger) (Ret), Fredricksburg, VA
Capt Joseph R. John USNA ’62, USN/FBI (Ret), President, JRJ And Associates, Inc., San Diego, CA
Capt Larry W. Bailey, USN (SEAL) (Ret), Special Operations Speaks, Chocowinity, NC
Capt Stu J. Cvrk, USNA ’74, USN (Ret). Springfield, SD
LTC Dennis J. Gillem, USMA ’64, USA (Ret), Frontline Freedom Radio, Grand Rapids, MI
Connie Stevens, Producer, Business Executive, Actress, Singer, Studio City, CA
Joseph J. Frank (USA), Past National Commander of the American Legion, St. Louis, MO
Senior Operations Officer Gary Berntsen, USAF/CIA, Security Consultant, Apollo Beach, FL
Senior Chief Electronics Technician Norman O. Webb, USN (Ret), Sun City West, AZ
Amy South, IT Director, Web Master, Palm Springs, CA
PAC Attorney and Treasurer
Dan Backer, Esq., Chalmers & Adams, LLC, Washington, DC
We will continue to present the truth on vital issues of importance to the Republic and to the American people that the left of center liberal media establishment continues to intentionally misrepresent or ignore. We will call attention of the American Citizens, whenever the Rule of Law and/or the US Constitution is violated by the administration or members of Congress and will actively recruit a new slate of Combat Veterans For Congress to run for the US Senate and the US House of Representatives. The elected Combat Veterans For Congress will continue to honor their sacred oath they swore to uphold, when they were inducted into the US Armed Forces, raised their right hand, and swore to protect and defend the US Constitution. The Combat Veterans For Congress will endeavor to rein in the out of control spending by irresponsible members of Congress to avoid the fiscal cliff facing the Republic and will protect the freedoms provided to us and our posterity by the Founding Fathers in the US Bill of Rights.
We encourage all American citizens to endorse our efforts to protect the Republic, financially support the Combat Veterans For Congress, and to forward our E-mails to those in your address book who will support our efforts to protect and defend the US Constitution. The endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable “to The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their lives”; they deserve the support of the American voters.
46 Endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress In 23 States Elected/Appointed Over 16 Years
Vice President James D. Vance, Cpl-USMC, 2 nd Trump Administration, Endorsed Combat
Veteran For Congress
US National Security Advisor, 2 nd Trump Administration, Michael G. Waltz, Col-USAR (Green
Beret), (R-FL-6), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Secretary of the US Interior, 1 st Trump Administration, Ryan Zinke, Cdr/USN, (Ret) (SEAL) (R-
MT-1/2), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Administrator US Environmental Protection Agency, 2 nd Trump Administration, Lee M. Zeldin,
LTC-USAR (JAGC)(R-NY-1), Endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress
Administrator US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1 st Trump Administration,
James F. Bridenstine, Lcdr-USNR (R-OK-1), Endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress
FL Gov Ron DeSantis, Lcdr-USNR (JAGC) (R-FL-6), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
AR Lt Gov Tim Griffin, Maj-USAR (JAGC) (R-AR-2), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
AR Atty Gen Tim Griffin, Maj-USAR (JAGC) (R-AR-2), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Sen Thomas Cotton, Cpt-USA (R-AR), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Sen James E Banks, Lt-USNR (R-OH), Endorsed Combat Veeran For Congress
Sen David H. McCormick, USMA ’87, PhD (R-PA) Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Sen J. D. Vance, Cpl-USMC (R-OH), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Sen John S. McCain, USNA '58, Capt-USN (Ret) (R-AZ), Endorsed Combat Veteran For
Sen Mark S. Kirk, Cdr-USN (R-IL), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Rob Simmons Col-USAR/CIA (Ret), (R-CT-2) Reagan Admin Alumni, Endorsed Combat
Veteran For Congress, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC Board of Directors
Cong Duncan D. Hunter, Maj-USMCR (R-CA-50), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Allen West, LTC-USA (Ret) (R-FL-22), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Steve Pearce, Capt-USAF (R-NM-2), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Michael Coffman, Maj-USMC (Ret) (R-CO-6), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong John P. Kline, Col-USMC (Ret) (R-MN-2), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Chris Gibson, Col-USA (Ret) (R-NY-20), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Darrell E. Issa. Cpt-USAR (EOD) (R-CA-50), Endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress
Cong Steve Stivers, BGen-USANG (R-OH-15), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Tim Griffin, Maj-USAR (JAGC) (R-AR-2), Endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress
Cong Michael Grimm, Sgt-USMC/FBI (R-NY-13), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Joe Heck, BGen-USAR (MC) (R-NV-3), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Jeff Denham, SSgt-USAF (R-CA-10), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Paul Cook, Col-USMC (Ret) (R-CA-8), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Scott G. Perry, BGen(Ret)-PAARNG (R-PA-4), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Brad Wenstrup, LTC-USAR (MC) (R-OH-2), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong James Bridenstine, Lcdr-USNR (R-OK-1), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Ron DeSantis, Lcdr-USNR (JAGC) (R-FL-6), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Ryan Zinke, Cdr-USN (Ret) (SEAL) (R-MT-1), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Steve Russell, LTC-USA (Ret) (Ranger) (R-OK-5), Endorsed Combat Veteran For
Cong Lee M. Zeldin, Maj-USAR (JAG) (R-NY-1), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Paul C. Broun, Lcdr-USNR (MC) (R-GA-10), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Kerry Bentivolio, SFC-MI-ANG (Ret) (R-MI-11), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Steve Kuykendall, Capt-USMC (R-CA-47), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Trent Kelly, BGen-MSANG (R-MS-1), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Brian J. Mast, SSgt-USA (Ret) (EOD) (WW)(R-FL-18), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Donald J. Bacon, BGen-USAF (Ret) (R-NE-2), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Michael J. Gallagher, Cpt-USMCR, PhD, (R-WI-8), Endorsed Combat Veteran For
Cong James E. Banks, Lt-USNR (R-IN-3), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Michael G. Waltz, Col-USAR (Green Beret) (R-FL-6), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Daniel Crenshaw, Lcdr-USN (SEAL) (WW) (R-TX-2), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Mark E. Green, USMA '86, Maj-USA (MC) (R-TN-7), Endorsed Combat Veteran For
Cong Jack W. Bergman, LTG-USMCR (Ret) (R-MI-1), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Michael J. Garcia, USNA ’98, Lcdr/USN (R-CA-25) Endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress
Cong Ronny L. Jackson, Radm-USN (Ret)(MC)(R-TX-13), Endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress
Cong Jake Ellzey, USNA ’92, Cdr/USN (Ret) (R-TX-6), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Ryan Zinke, Cdr-USN (Ret) (SEAL) (R-MT-2), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
Cong Thomas M. Barrett, MI-ARNG (R-MI-7) (Ret), Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress
State Senator Jarred Collins, 1 st Sgt/USA (Ret) (Green Beret) (WW) (FL Sen Dist 14)
8 Congressmen Who Have Endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
Cong Barry M. Goldwater, Jr., (Ret), Co-Founder and Combat Veterans For Congress PAC Board of Directors
Cong Duncan L. Hunter (Ret), Chairman, House Armed Services Committee, Captain, US Army Ranger, Combat Vietnam
Cong Mike Pompeo, USMA'86 (R-KS-4), Captain US Army, Armor
Cong Scott Taylor, BM2-USN (SEAL) (R-VA-2)
Cong Andy Harris, Cdr-USNR (MC) (R-MD-1)
Cong Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA-46), White House Communication Office, Reagan Administration
Cong Jim Jordan(R-OH-4)
Cong Matt Gaetz, Esq. (R-FL-01)
Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184
San Diego, CA 92108
Fax: (619) 220-0109