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Op-Ed Articles

Before we endorsed a Combat Veteran For Congress we ask them if they approve of and would agree to support our Mission Statement.  One of the precepts in the Mission Statement is to “rein in the out of control spending by Congress.”  Since 2009, we have endeavored to encourage Congress to rein in their reckless and out of control spending that has severely undercut the fiscal stability of the Republic over the last 25 years.  With the support of the Congress, the Obama Administration continues to shift the burden of repayment of $17+ trillion in debt onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.  We encourage you to click on the below listed link, to view and listen to Pierre Poilievre, a member of Canada’s Parliament, as he recounts how the US Congress recklessly continues to damage the security and financial stability of the Republic, and how he commends Canada’s leadership for not following the unsound and reckless example of the Obama Administration and the US Congress.

Very soon, we will again witness the lack of leadership of both…

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The Fourth of July is also the birthday of every American Patriot; it is also “your” birthday each year.  When the opportunity presents itself, I encourage you to thank a Veteran for their service, and wish them a Happy Second Birthday on annual celebration of the “The Birth of The Nation”.  The vast majority of Veterans are respectful, hard-working, family oriented, and unassuming true American Patriots; for over 236 years Veterans have been an important part of the fabric that is the foundation of the Republic.   At one point in their life, a Veteran wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their life.”  We all know of military personnel who have given the last full measure of devotion to the Republic; and as you know, others have been seriously wounded and will be suffering with those disabling injuries for the remainder of their lives.  If more members of Congress were as dedicated to protecting and defending the US Constitution and to watching out for the welfare of the Republic as American Veterans have sworn to do, the Republic probably wouldn’t be in the very serious financial difficulty it finds itself in today because of the irresponsible out of control spending by Congress. 



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The below listed article is an outstanding analysis of the flawed Law of the Seas Treaty (LOST) by Admiral James A. Lyons, Jr., USN (Ret).  LOST encompasses and takes control of economic and technology interests in all the oceans of the world, and will “REDISTRIBUTES WEALTH” from the developed to undeveloped nations, will restrict freedom of navigation, will impact the maritime security of the US Navy by establishing exclusive economic zones, will pre-empt the 2nd Amendment by allowing the confiscation of privately held firearms of all US citizen’s under this anti US Constitution UN Treaty mandate, and will suppress the Free Enterprise System by creating oppressive environmental regulations for the Republic.  The resident of the White House has agreed to do what no other US President has ever agreed to do; he has agreed to transfer islands off the coast of Alaska with the surrounding territorial oil rich waters that the United States has sovereignty over to Russia for no reason or for no compensation.  The United States sovereignty would be subjugated, in many of the oceans of the world, to the supernatural government that is chartered by the United Nations under the 1982 Convention.   Admiral Lyons thorough analysis discusses the flaws, dangers, and reasons why the United States Senate should not ratify the LOST Treaty.  Ratifying this LOST Treaty will not only take away the “Liberties and Freedoms” our Founding Father…

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No individual in their right mind would give control of 2/3rd of the earth’s surface to a small committee in the UN controlled by land locked Third World nations. That is the latest lame brained scheme being pushed by the Obama Administration.  The UN annually will charge the US untold millions of dollars for permits to do prospecting for seabed mineral mining, exploring and drilling for oil, and for fishing rights, as well as requiring payment of taxes on a percentage of the profits generated from the efforts of US firms involved in the Free enterprise system.  The US should be free to develop ocean resources as all nations have done for over 4000 years.  In addition the LOST Treaty will transfer islands and territory off the coast of Alaska, rich in oil to Russia.

We encourage all Americans who believe in the independence of the Republic and want to retain their freedoms as outlined in the US Constitution, to inform your US Senators that you strongly oppose the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST).   You and American citizens like you are the fundamental strength of this Republic, please pass this E-mail on to all those in your address book who will join you in opposing this LOST Treaty.   Your US Senator should be informed that the American voters want to retain the basic freedoms that our Founding Fathers gave us 236 years ago, we want to continue to be independent, and oppose being dominated by the UN.

For the third year in a row, the Democrat controlled US Senate, in league with the Obama Administration, has refused to propose a formal budget for the US Government in clear violation of federal law.  If any business entity applied for a loan and asked to borrow 43 cents of every dollar they proposed to spend, without presenting the bank with a budget to outline proposed spending, the application would be rejected—yet for the third time in history, the current Democrat controlled Senate has refused to present a budget for their banker, the American people, to confer with the proposed House budget over the last three years.  Out of control and irresponsible spending has driven the Republic into an additional $5 trillion in debt over the last 3 and ½ years, and unless the American people can rein in spending by the Congress and the Obama Administration, our grandchildren will never be able to repay or extricate the Republic from the mounting debt.  By the end of his 4th year in office, the current occupant of the White House will have driven the nation into nearly $6 trillion in additional debt—more debt than all US Presidents collectively have spent in the 236 year history of the Republic.  The out of control spending is the most dangerous threat facing the survival of the Republic.  In November 2012, every members of Congress, who has failed to resist the out of control spending, should be removed from office by American voters who care…

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 A commentary to “Never Forget” the extraordinary service in Combat by US Navy SEALS and the US Armed Forces by Jenna Lee, a Fox News Anchorwoman.

Two of the 36 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, GySgt Nick Popaditch, USMC (Ret) and Senator John McCain (POW), were seated on either side of Gov Mitt Romney at a Memorial Day Tribute, where 5000 Veterans and supporters gathered at the Veteran’s Memorial adjacent to the Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego.  If you click on the below listed link, you will be able to view GySgt Popaditch’s address reminding those in attendance to “Never Forget” the long history of extraordinary service in Combat by US Marines.                           

While you are reading this message, that truly extraordinary service in Combat continues now by all members of the US Armed Forces, in Afghanistan and on other foreign shores; let us “Never Forget” their dedicated service in defense of the Republic.                         

The below listed link to Gen Anthony Zini, USMC (Ret), former Commander, US Central Command, is an outstanding presentation that should be viewed by all family members of Vietnam Veterans.  In reflection when we returned from multiple tours of duty in Vietnam, we were faced with a hostile left of center liberal media establishment, abusive demonstrators with that peace symbol created in 1958 by Eric Austin of Kensington for the Communist Party to falsely portray peace (while their true objective was our defeat in Vietnam), but as shocking as those offensive demonstrators were, there were also many Americans who didn’t seem to care about the returning Wounded Warriors, Veterans with multiple tours, the well-being of incarcerated POWs in Hanoi, or the sacrifices our families were going thru.  On this Memorial Day and often, we remember and “Honor” all who served in Vietnam, especially those who have now passed on.  One fine example is a courageous US Marine, Col John Ripley (Navy Cross/Silver Star/Bronze Star/Purple Heart), who made that now famous stand in the annals of the US Marine Corps on the Bridge at Dong Ha.  Only 1/3 of the Vietnam Veterans who answered the call to duty survive.   We remind all Americans this Memorial Day that the US Military never lost a major engagement in Vietnam, then had a Democrat controlled Congress vote to cut off financial support for ammunitions while we were actually still in combat, we…

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Combat Heroes do not seek credit!

It is Combat Heroes who put their lives on the line! 

True Combat Heroes do not politicize their acts of valor! 

The current resident of the White House continue to employ mass TV advertisements, continues to do multiple TV specials/interviews, and initiated a live national broadcast from the “safety’ of  the largest secure combat base in Afghanistan, about what “I”. “Me”, “HE” did.  While those personnel in the Special Operations community of the military know, President Bush initiated a well-coordinated program 10 years ago, to execute a worldwide intelligence gathering mission, to approve a skillful enhanced interrogation operation to patiently & persistently extract information from captured terrorists in the Brig at the US Naval Base in Guantanamo Cuba, and it took many years of training and dangerous combat operations for members of SEAL Team SIX to become fully prepared for the operation he continues to brag about.  According to senior Flag Officers in the Pentagon, it was the skillful planning by SEAL Admiral William McRaven, Commander of the Joint Operations Command (JSOC), and many weeks of painstaking precision rehearsals by SEAL Team SIX, that led Admiral McRaven “to decide” to execute…

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In Investor Business, it was reported that President Obama plans to share sensitive Aegis ballistic missile defense data with Russia; this was very disturbing article for me to read after the loss of so many of my classmates and men I served with in defense of the Republic.  In the follow on letter dated March 26, 2012, Congressman Mike Turner, Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, asks the President for an “urgent explanation of [his] comments to President Medvedev in Seoul, where the president stated in regard to missile defense in Europe that “this is my last election, and after my election I'll have more flexibility.”  “As the Chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee, which authorizes U.S. missile defense and nuclear weapons policy, I want to make it perfectly clear that my colleagues and I will not allow any attempts to trade missile defense of the United States to Russia or any other country,” wrote Turner.

Congress has included in the FY 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, which the president has signed into law, a provision constraining his ability to share classified U.S. missile defense information with the Russian Federation. Congress took this step because it was clear based upon official testimony and the Obama Administration’s comments in the press…

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By clicking on the below listed link of a press release from the White House Press Office, you will be able to read the Presidential Executive Order that was released late on Friday evening.  This new Presidential Executive Order is different in context and definition from similar Presidential Executive Orders issued by previous residents of the White House.  It includes an overly broad definition of National Defense, and for the first time in the General Provisions section of the order, Part VIII, Section 801 (j), it allows for emergency preparedness activities conducted pursuant to title VI of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5195 which permits the President to declare Martial Law when the country is not in times of war.  The Republic can still be safeguarded by Congressional action if the Congress is able to come together to act, and if the media establishment will do its duty to alert the American people in advance of the enactment of Section 801 (j).

"There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our (the United States) overthrow.  Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter.  From the inattention of the people to…

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We have witnessed the 568 ship US Navy that President Reagan authorized and built, being reduced to a 230 ship Navy by President Obama according to a recent Wall Street Journal’s analysis.  Obama’s actions, in light of China aggressive naval shipbuilding program.  The Department of Defense’s quadrennial review, completed by President Obama’s own Pentagon appointees, reported that at a very minimum the US Navy should not be reduced below 345 ships.   If the American people return President Obama to office, the number of US Naval ships will certainly be reduced further, in his continuing program to reduce $1 trillion from the US Military establishment, in order to employ those funds to expand his social welfare programs. 

Military retirees, reservists, and active duty military personnel will have to come up with $13 billion to cover their health care costs over the next 5 years.  While others in the nation will receive free medical care—including 20 million illegal aliens and the 48% of civilians in the nation who pay no taxes and never go “In Harm’s Way.”  In order to cover the cost of free medical care for illegal aliens and for the 48% of citizens, who pay no taxes at all, requires that the Obama Administration seeks funds for another one of its Social program, by extracting those funds from the pay of active, reserve, and retired military personnel.    Unabated 

While President…

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Under a new ordered Obama Health Care Bill mandate, that was just issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), HHS is mandating that religious employers provide health care coverage for contraception, including abortion-inducing drugs at no cost -- thereby trampling upon the religious employer’s constitutionally guaranteed free exercise of religion.  If you review the below listed article, the Social Experiment On Diversity driven by the civilian appointees of the Obama Administration at the US Defense Department (DOD) continues to expand; it is now forcing US Army Chaplains to violate their religious consciences and freedom of speech by preventing them from telling their parishioners from the pulpit that they oppose mandating catholic run institutions to provide contraception, sterilization, and abortifacient drugs for their employees at the religious institution’s own expense, even though their religion opposes that action.  That is a clear violation of the freedom of religion that the U.S. Constitution guarantees.  The Social Experiment On Diversity is also responsible for Military Academies’ admission policies that are a clear violation of a Supreme Court’s ruling, that entering students at all institutions of higher education shall no longer be admitted by allocating acceptance percentages using race and gender as one of their criteria. 

If you have a daughter or granddaughter, this latest, never ending expansion by the Obama Administration’s Social Experiment on Diversity in the below listed article, driven by the Obama Administration’s civilian appointees at the Department of Defense will concern you.  Assigning women to direct combat will eliminate the rational why the US Supreme Court exempted young women from Selective Service registration, which the court upheld as Constitutional, because women were not assigned to direct ground combat.   By changing the policy, the Department of Defense is inviting another ACLU lawsuit challenging young women's exemption from Selective Service registration.   Every day another shoe drops in the never ending Social Experiment on Diversity driven by the Obama Administration; the constant assault on the US Military establishment is negatively affecting combat effectiveness and continues to skew the admission policies forced upon the Boards of Admission at US Service Academies.

— On Dec. 18, Tribune-Democrat Editor Chip Minemyer called for someone in our military to step forward and acknowledge that “Murtha got it right” on Haditha.

He cites a New York Times report that classified documents found on an abandoned base in Iraq “support assertions by the late congressman that Marines – stressed to the breaking point by the nature of that conflict  – killed 24 people, including women and children, on Nov. 19, 2005.”

Mr. Minemyer is dead wrong. The only fact in his assertion that the documents confirm is that 24 people, including women and children, were killed in a combat engagement on that day.

A review of the documents on the Times website reveals there is absolutely nothing to support the late congressman’s repeated and breathless assertions that Marines “murdered innocent civilians in cold blood” – long before the investigation was completed. 

But the interviews with members of the chain-of-command – which the Times did publish – do confirm what I asserted throughout my campaigns against John Murtha:

That there was a continuing and concerted effort on the part of the Islamic insurgents to create a My Lai-type incident as part of their information operations (called “IO” by Marines interviewed) at the height of the war in Iraq. 

The interviews also document the Marines’ frustration with the number of civilian casualties and confirm the efforts of the enemy to put civilians in harm’s way, in…

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“There Are Two Ways To Enslave A Country.... One Is By The Sword. The Other Is By Debt." — John Adams

Please click on the below listed link to view a video which will explain exactly what President Obama has in mind for the Republic.         

The American voters must elect an “Optimist”, a new President with President Ronal Reagan’s “optimism”, who will approach the desperate situation President Obama has placed the Republic in.  Obama’s flawed judgment, mismanagement, and determination to “change” the tested 235 year successful Free Enterprise System into another failed Socialist State has placed the Republic in very serious danger.   We need a new President who can look past the despair the American people feel, and view the current situation as an excellent opportunity to improve the economy in just about every sector that the Obama Administration has destabilized.    

Joseph R. John
Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC

The Washington Post August 18, 2011

Obama: The Affirmative Action President by Matt Patterson (columnist - Washington Post, New York Post, San Francisco Examiner) 

Years from now, historians may regard the 2008 election of Barack Obama as…

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Dear Friend,

I want to pose a question to you: “Are America’s best days now behind us or ahead of us?”

I strongly believe we can and must do better to ensure that our Nation’s best days still lay ahead. But there are some who powerfully argue that we are in the twilight of America’s years.

They say that President Obama and his allies’ massive big government expansion is so damaging and irreversible that it has forever stifled the ingenuity, energy and free enterprise spirit that built this great nation.

They proclaim that because President Obama’s tripling of the deficit to $1.6 trillion and the course he has charted to double the national debt, we must now recalibrate our hopes for our nation and our children.

They point to the government healthcare takeover, the failed economic
stimulus program, and the astounding expansion of government and say that because
we spent so lavishly on ourselves and saddled our children with crushing debts that
we have sentenced them to a lower standard of living. They sadly say that ours will
be the first generation of Americans that does not hope for a better life for our
children and our grandchildren.

Ominously, they also show the figures that demonstrate that despite President
Obama’s decision to OK the mission to eliminate Osama bin Laden, the President has
so slashed defense spending and weakened our defenses that we will fall behind the
Chinese and Russians and see…

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      The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC has joined with the Vietnam Veterans of America expressing their hope that 387 acres of land will be used for the benefit of Disabled and Homeless Veterans.  The 387 acres of land that borders Wilshire Boulevard in Westwood, California, originally deeded for the benefit of Veterans in 1888, is being used for purposes that do not benefit Veterans in Los Angeles County. 

     Every Sunday for 3 years, the elderly Disabled and Homeless Veterans have been peacefully protesting the current lease of their deeded land to business entities in Westwood.  One of their peaceful acts of distress has been to fly the American Flag upside down—a recognized international signal of distress used on the high seas by seamen in trouble.  The Sunday peaceful demonstrations continue to be held on Wilshire Boulevard adjacent to the land.  Donna Beiter, the Executive Director of the VA in Los Angeles, regularly sent VA Police Officers to give those elderly and Disabled Veterans citations for flying the American Flag upside down. These Veterans that have been cited include WWII and Vietnam Disabled Veterans, some of whom are wheelchair bound. Those citations were subsequently thrown out by the Federal Judge in court hearings.  Beiter’s actions were, in effect, preventing Veterans from exercising their right of free speech. 

   … Read More

Since the Revolutionary War, it has been estimated that 1.346 million American Patriots pledged and delivered their lives to make the ultimate sacrifice in combat to defend their brothers in arms while protecting our Republic and its values.  Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on May 5, 1868 by General John Logan, National Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, in his General Order No. 11, and was first observed on May 30, 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery; it was about coming together as one nation to honor those who gave their all.  On May 30, 2011 millions of Americans paused in solemn reverence, they participated in respectful commemorations across the nation, in order to remember those who for 235 years, by their actions, have protected and defended the rule of law enshrined in the US Constitution.  

Those who have gone before us, have entrusted us to safeguard and be the caretakers of the most precious liberties and freedoms we all enjoy. General Douglas MacArthur’s description of the fallen in his Farewell Address to the Corp of Cadets at West Point on May 12, 1962 is so appropriate on Memorial Day: “From one end of the world to the other, he has drained deep the chalice of courage”.  If you click on the below listed link you will be able to view scenes that honor military personnel of all services who were lost in combat, and you will also be…

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RADM James J. Carey of the National Defense PAC deserves a great deal of credit for alerting us to the below listed background information, that attorneys would need to document points of authority to defend returning military personnel who were college students when they were mobilized to go into combat, and found upon release that they are being prevented from picking up their education by left leaning college professors who do not want to re-instill them into their courses or protect their course grades previously compiled before they were recalled.

Professor Wackerfuss:
A general E-mail was sent reminding students of Georgetown University policy about attending classes, and you included a line to the effect that the policy even overrides “military deployments.”  I want to bring to your attention that a federal law enacted in 2008 protects students in this situation, and a college or university that violates the law risks losing all federal funding. 
I invite your attention to  You will find more than 700 articles about the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA), and other laws that are particularly pertinent to those who serve our country in uniform.  You will also find a detailed Subject Index and a search function, to facilitate…

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If you had the opportunity to watch Sean Hannity's evening program on April 12th on the FOX News Network, you would have been pleased to listen to the comments of 3 of the 12 elected Combat Veterans For Congress who are among the 87 new Freshman Congressional members.  Millions of voters viewed their relevant comments and principled stands that evening; on Sunday night on FOX there will be another program concerning the same issues with Freshmen Congressmen.  The nation is so fortunate to have representatives in Congress like Cong Adam Kinzinger, Cpt-AFNG (R-IL-11), Cong Michael Grimm, USMC/FBI (R-NY-13), and Cong Allen West, Lt. Col-USA (Ret) (R-FLA-22) as well as the other Combat Veterans For Congress.  The three Congressmen took firm and courageous stands on reining in the out of control spending by the Obama Administration and said they will insist on reductions in spending before they consider voting to raise the national debt limit.  In the November 2012 election, we encourage all American voters to support the re-election of these three courageous patriots and the other elected Combat Veterans For Congress listed on our Web site at…

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A 31-member Military Leadership Diversity Commission, set up by the Lame Duck Congress a year ago, requested that the Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, execute a “social experiment on diversity”; the goal of the recommendations is to change the make-up of the leadership of the US Armed Forces.  The Commission contains a sizable number of civilian-equal opportunity professionals, as well as some retired and active military personnel.  Because ethnic minorities are less likely to meet eligibility requirements for entrance into the US Armed Forces, the Commission is urging the Army, Navy,  Marine Corps, and Air Force to either lower or eliminate the standards that have always been used for acceptance of recruits into the military.  The Commission proposal states education, entry test level scores, criminal records, and drug use that up to this time have been used to disqualify a large numbers of applicants, including some minorities and all felons, unfair and should be eliminated.  The commission completed a 162-page report and strongly recommended that the Secretary of Defense and the Congress endorse the proposals, that they act to execute the Commission’s “social experiment on diversity”.  The Commission wants Secretary Gates to appoint a “Diversity Czar” who will bypass the Congress on all future matters concerning their proposed “social experiment on diversity” and that in the future the Diversity Czar be permitted to by-pass Congress and…

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We are pleased to inform you that another of the elected Combat Veterans For Congress, Congressman Steve Pearce continues his serious commitment to support Veterans and Veterans issues.  Congressman Pearce has formed a Veterans Advisory Council in New Mexico and on March 30th his Advisory Council is promoting Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans in New Mexico.  The Advisory Council is being proactive in many other areas as outlined in the attached summary.  Since his election, Congressman Pearce has been working tirelessly to rein in the out of control spending by the Obama Administration.  We are encouraging all who review this, to financially support another patriotic Combat Veteran’s re-election in 2012.



Congressman Commended for Reaching out to Vets; Helping them in Washington 

       Congressman Steve Pearce announced his newly assembled Veterans Advisory Council.  The purpose of the council is to give veterans a voice on pressing issues.  Through the council, Pearce will actively seek feedback and ideas on how to best serve local veterans.  The Congressman’s formation of the council has received widespread and enthusiastic support from New Mexican veterans’ groups.

     “This is a tremendous plan to help New Mexico’s veterans” said Robert Cano, commander of a Las Cruces chapter…

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Columbia University students heckled a war hero during a town-hall meeting on whether ROTC should be allowed back on campus.

"Racist!" some students yelled at Anthony Maschek, a Columbia freshman and former Army staff sergeant awarded the Purple Heart after being shot 11 times in a firefight in northern Iraq in February 2008. Others hissed and booed the veteran.

Maschek, 28, had bravely stepped up to the mike Tuesday at the meeting to issue an impassioned challenge to fellow students on their perceptions of the military.

"It doesn't matter how you feel about the war. It doesn't matter how you feel about fighting," said Maschek. "There are bad men out there plotting to kill you."

CLASH: Veteran Anthony Maschek (above, with fiancée Angela O'Neill) faced heckling from fellow Columbia students over ROTC (below).Matthew McDermottCLASH: Veteran Anthony Maschek (above, with fiancée Angela O'Neill) faced heckling from fellow Columbia students over ROTC (below).J.C. RICE Several students laughed and jeered… Read More

Come join our Patriotic Celebration at the Sheraton Harbor Island Hotel on October 9th. The general celebration will begin at 7:00 PM and will present an opportunity for you to meet many of the 27 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 16 states who are standing for election to Congress in November. To view the photos, backgrounds, and Web sites of 27 endorsed candidates, please click on ENDORSED CANDIDATES on the home page on the web site of . To view a previous event sponsored by the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, please click on EVENTS on the Web site. Also, to see the list of those formally endorsing Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, please click on PAC ENDORSEMENTS.

There will be live big band music, entertainment, Hollywood film celebrities, and some very special surprise guests. Attendees will also have the opportunity to personally thank some of those who are actively serving to protect our freedoms. It is planned to host ambulatory wounded Combat Veterans from Balboa Naval Hospital recuperating from their wounds, as well as recently returned Combat Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan as honored guests. 

To receive your invitation via US Mail, or to sponsor an enlisted Combat Veteran to attend the function, please E-mail your full name, title, mailing address, and a contact phone number to . A donation of $300 per guest is requested. There will be a special VIP event…

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Real-life American Heroes Ready and Willing to Serve Congress

(LOS ANGELES, CA June 18, 2010) With four months remaining before the November Congressional elections, the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress are developing a great deal of momentum nationally.

On March 30, 2010 Governor Sarah Palin endorsed the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC; 27 Combat Veterans For Congress have previously endorsed the PAC s Mission Statement, and the PAC has, in turn, endorsed the 25 Combat Veterans For Congress in the 19 states where they are running; the PAC s strong statement of support for each campaign, the Combat Veteran s photo in combat gear, and their bios can be reviewed by clicking on the Pac s the Web site at:

Governor Palin in her endorsement statement of Combat Veterans For Congress said: "Last week I campaigned for a true American hero, John McCain, and this week I'd ask you to join me in supporting a new generation of heroes who are heeding their country's call for leadership in Washington." Governor Palin goes on to say, "There are a number of great veteran candidates running for office this year, and there are some excellent organizations dedicated to helping them, including Combat Veterans For Congress PAC. I believe that these great veterans will fight for us in D.C. to uphold and defend our Constitution as courageously in the halls of Congress as they did on the field of battle.

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Real-life American Heroes Ready and Willing to Serve in Congress

(LOS ANGELES , CA   July 12, 2010) The Honorable Edwin Meese III former Attorney General under President Reagan has endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress PAC.  Capt. Joseph R. John, USNR (Ret) Chairman of the Combat Veterans For Congress announced he received a phone call from General Meese who said he supports the Combat Veterans For Congress and their intent to rein in the out of control spending by the Pelosi Congress.  In addition Attorney General Meese stated “These Combat Veterans For Congress have served us well on the battlefield.  Now they are willing to serve as leaders of government to continue to deal with the nation’s challenges.”

The Honorable Mr. Meese, the 75th Attorney General of the United States, served in the U.S. Army, attaining the rank of Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve.  After a career in law in California, Attorney Meese joined California Governor Ronald Reagan’s staff in 1967, ultimately serving as his Chief of Staff in the Reagan Administration, Mr. Meese served as one of President Ronald Reagan’s principal advisors and ultimately as U.S. Attorney General of the United States.

Since his service as Attorney General, Mr. Meese has remained active in the service of our country, co-authoring the December 2006 final report of the Iraq Study Group. Attorney General Meese is Distinguished Visiting Fellow with the Hoover Institution…

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Real-life American Heroes Ready and Willing to Serve Congress

(LOS ANGELES, CA June 29, 2010) With three and a half months remaining before the November Congressional elections, the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress continue a continue a countdown to victory with your support.  

On May 20, 2010 Col Bud Day endorsed the 27 Combat Veterans For Congress in 19 states who previously endorsed the PAC’s  Mission Statement.  The PAC’s strong statement of support for each of the 24 Combat Veterans For Congress, together with the photo of each, and their bios can be reviewed by clicking on the PAC’s Web site at:

Col Day in his endorsement statement of Combat Veterans For Congress said: "My name is Col George “Bud” Day, Medal of Honor—Air Force Cross. I am a veteran of WWII, Korea, and received the Medal of Honor for service as an Air Force POW in N. Vietnam." Col Day goes on to say, "I fully endorse Gen-Capt-Col-Lt Col-Sgt-Major-CWO, etc. for election to Congress in the year 2010. They are combat veterans who are determined to take our country back, to restore some common sense, and some spending sense to a Congress with few Veterans, and very few heroes. Please support these candidates with some cash and some effort to elect them. They will not be signing any legislation that they have not read!!! Please help.”  

About Combat Veterans For Congress:  The Combat Veterans…

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