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How fortunate the nation was when it was united under the leadership of a Patriotic US President right after 9/11.

The Yankees played a professional baseball game in an overflowing Yankee stadium, despite a terrorist attack on the nation, in New York City, Washington, and Stonycreek, PA, by Al Q’ieda that killed 3000 Americans; the below listed link will reacquaint you with that memorable baseball game.  

There is a distinct difference today from the unity the nation experienced after 9/11.  This afternoon the Baltimore Oriels will play a professional baseball game against the White Sox in an empty Baltimore stadium.  It’s the first time in the history of the nation that a professional baseball game is being played to an empty stadium, because it is too dangerous to have mixed races attend the game.  It is a result of the racial divisive policies promoted by Holder and the very different occupant in the Oval Office; their racial divisive policies have resulted in repeated racial strife over the last 6 years.


After 9/11 and prior to that date, we never had an occupant of the Oval Office who was intentionally creating divisions in American by employing Saul Alinsky’s principles to divide the American people by races, religion, economic classes, tarnishing the badges of all good law enforcement officers, distribution of wealth, and by pitting unions against business.  


Dividing the nation by stigmatizing those who work very hard, are successful, and have good incomes; instigating the envy of those successful Americans, by those who are not as successful with lower incomes.


Dividing the nation by vilifying the well held religious beliefs of Christians who do not believe in abortion, in same sex marriages, in living a conservative/straight life style, and not supporting the liberal gay life style.  


Dividing the nation by American citizens and illegal immigrants who are receiving medical benefits, food stamps, free education, welfare payments, and drivers licenses that allow them to illegally vote, while undermining the authority of US Border Patrol officers and ICE Officers.  


Dividing the nation by law abiding citizens, Law Enforcement Officers, and the judiciary who oppose violations of Federal Laws and abide by the US Constitution while continually vilifying law enforcement officers and minimizing the fault of felons.  


Dividing the nation by promoting Socialism/Marxism and distributing the wealth of those who do not work and pay no taxes, while saddling hard working and successful Americans with high income taxes.   


Dividing the nation by mobilizing Unions and former ACORN activists in their new organizational to oppose Americans operating/owning their own businesses who support The Free Enterprise System that built the most effective economic engine in the history of mankind.  


For 6 years, the current occupant of the Oval Office has been intentionally dividing the American people and vilified law enforcement officers, as outlined above, employing Saul Alinsky’s principles, with the help of the left of center liberal media establishment, and the support of the Harry Reid/Nancy Pelosi led Democratic Congress.


Today, the nation is witnessing Hillary Clinton continuing in the divisive policies, in her speech at Columbia University, calling for a stop to “the mass incarceration” of blacks, as if they are innocent and are incarcerated because of no fault of their own, leaving the impression it is the fault of law enforcement and the judicial system.


American voters will be able to finally put a stop to the racially divisive and anti-law enforcement policies at the polls in November of 2016.